Sunday, May 20, 2012

Instagram sunday





She tears my heart into pieces, one diaper size at a time. These size 5’s are the next step to potty training.


Macaroni; for me, not Pea. Probably because she has not discovered the true radness of it. I will give her a little more time. Then, I will not be able to call her mine.





Girls weekend to celebrate Ryder :)




I did not know about the churro situation at Costco. Thank GOD we don’t have a Costco. I would probably go every day.

And thanks, Allyson, for changing my churro life. Nothing will ever be good enough after this one.




Welcome, Mom shorts.


One weekend with double doubles AND Costco churros? Heaven.



Driving skies.




My girl with daddy


Looking for the “mooooon!”




Watching my favorites play outside in the dirt. I sit on the OTHER side of the glass door. Where there is no dirt.


She knows the routine! Nose spray everyday…




Kisses through the glass. Reason #847 I don’t clean this window.




New belt from Target


Didn’t realize I was shopping in the bird food section of the grocery store.




My little froggy


She swings! The first trip to the park she was scared of this contraption. This time, she was so relaxed, I thought she was going to fall asleep. (Like her outfit? Socks and pants from the diaper bag served as last minute lifesavers at the rough and tough playground).




Frozen “go-go” on Mother’s Day.


Just another drive to work.


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