Thursday, July 21, 2011

a few little things

We went on a little vacation for our anniversary over this past weekend. It was DIVINE. Every little thing about it was wonderful, and I’m gonna share a bajillion pics soon! I’ve been sniffing up my little girl’s sweet breath any chance I get, catching up on all the missed opportunities over the weekend.

Meanwhile, there are a bunch of photos that are now 3 weeks (!) old that I haven’t even shared yet.

Water baby.
Pool, baths, whatever. She will sit in there and play until she is shivering and purple.

Here we go again.
The thing is, we were building up to something right before we left on our vacation…a growing  girl was showing signs of advancing in the mobility department. Aka pulling herself up on things, getting on her knees, and just overall becoming more adventurous. On the morning of our planned vacation, Andrew found her standing in her crib!! Aye. While we were gone, it advanced and she is now walking along the couch, coffee table, wall, or anything that she can find. And boy, do babes have no fear!


Mama Rocks!
A perfect art. The utmost dedication. Only a loving mama can do this job so well. Here, we have the daytime nap rock. (Which, of course, is TOTALLY different than the 3am rock!)

Daddy time. Aren't these two SO cute together? Oh, it kills me. ::muah!::



Phase Three Of Life said...

Love the one of her reading with daddy... so precious! Also love the one of her crying at the end. I take tons of pictures of Ryan smiling and playing, but I like to capture a good cry/scream now and then. So that when he's older, he understands he wasn't a perfect angel 100 percent of the time. ;)

Lacey [The Southern Mommy Chronicles] said...

that last picture had me sniffling! but on a side note: I ADORE your nursery!

Sugardrive said...

is it wrong to adore that last picture so much? as much as i heart my girls' smiley faces, i love their pouty faces too.

Sugardrive said...

girlfriend....i just noticed you have the same bedding as we do! good taste!

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