Thursday, July 14, 2011

over the past few days…

We have identified one morning person and one er… not so morning person.

Paisley fake cried to get her way.

Mommy went crazy.

She helped me “unpack” the diaper bag.

And broke out with (another mysterious) rash.

Update: mysterious rash got worse. Found out it was this.

Then mommy went crazy.

She threw puffs on the floor and hollered from her high chair between every bite.

She started pulling herself up on everything [dangerous] that she could find.

And in a few moments of desperate entertainment, I taught her how to take a picture of herself.

Then mommy went crazy.

I'm ready for a vacation!


Kathryn said...

What is that rash? Sort of looks like chicken people still get chicken pox?

Stevie Leigh said...

I love your daughter's name! What a beautiful little family you have!

Wendy said...

Kathryn- it's Hand Foot Mouth Virus. Yes - it looks like Chicken Pox.

Stevie- Thanks! :)

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