Saturday, July 16, 2011

so big, so beautiful

When I say “So big! So beautiful!” to my girl, she puts her arms up and smiles.  I can’t believe she is SO big and SO beautiful.

It’s so absolutely true that even if your child was ugly, there is no way you could ever see it. Blinded by love is REAL. The glory behind it is that you don’t care what anyone thinks, you just go along blissfully KNOWING your child is so beautiful.

Paisley has most definitely gained some independence over the last month. She has made her mind up about what she wants and doesn’t want. If she wants something, watch out because she will do anything to get it. If she doesn’t want something, watch out because she will let you know.


anything that clearly does not belong to her

anything that is not a toy (see #1)

anyplace that is dirty, unsafe, or off limits

fans, floor lamps, cords, outlets (see #2)

shoes (see #1, 2, 3)

Does NOT want:

diaper/clothes change

to be put down (see #1)

you to take your time preparing her meal

anything other than peas, sweet potatoes, or puffs

I've also been doing more singing and interaction games with her. We love "A bushel and a peck" (but want to learn the whole thing). I want to learn more of the lap games as well. We do Itsy-Bitsy Spider and Patty Cake, but that's usually all I can remember. I'll need to brush up on my skills here. We have the Classic Fairytales from this author, so maybe I'll look into getting the Nursery Rhymes book by him as well.


Sugardrive said...

my girls are right there with your little! cords are AWESOME, toys...meh. :)

PhaseThreeOfLife said...

Those little silver shoes KILL me.

She certainly IS beautiful.

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