Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring, sunshine, and finally taking the stroller out

Spring has sprung!
We finally got out (I was beginning to think my child would never see the outside world) and went for a walk! It has been so beautiful out and I'm so glad we had time to actually enjoy it. We tried a few times during the week, but by the time we looked outside and were done with dinner, etc. it was too dark. I took my no-nap girl out for a stroll. Here she is super grumpy :)
The sun kissed little toes for the first time. I was walking the fine line of letting her skin get some sun and letting her skin get toasted for the first time.
After about 15 minutes, our sun strolling did the trick.

Why is it that babies look so cute with wide-angle lenses? This girl is gonna give us a run for our money.
 Mama begging for another roll over. She gets really frustrated when I lay next to her and try to get her to do it. It's so true that babies do things on their own time.
 Her new favorite game is to see herself in the mirror and smile and coo and lean in. It's so cute.

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